Saturday, July 17, 2010

Acne Not again!?

Acne problems! Something which everyone abhors.

In this post, I will share with you something which we do EVERY single day, and I mean EVERY.

Any idea what it is? It is the washing of the face! Every single day, you will wash your face at least twice. Once will be when you wake up in the morning and another is when you bathe. As the day progresses, you might wash more than twice.

Washing face is okay, but it will be best to use just water to wash your face without any cream or lotion. Why do I say that? All our skin are oily, the only difference is some is more oily than other. Skins that are too oily are not good, but skins that doesn't have any oil are not good as well. Moderation is the Key.

So what do I suggest? Twice a day with cream or lotion will be great. As for just plain washing of your face, don't wash more than 5 times as it will bring more harm then benefits to your skin.

During a shower, no matter how much you clean yourself, or how much your clean and wash your face, till its sparkling clean. Once you walk out of your washroom, your face will be filled with dust, INSTANTLY.

So the question that you might be asking will be "Is it bad?", "Is it good?", "What can I do to stop it?".

The answer is, its not bad, but its not that good either, and there is nothing you can do it stop it.

RUBBISH answer you may say, but its the truth and nothing but the truth!

Why do I say that its neither good or bad? The reason it is bad is because the dust will be clogging up your pores, and making them unable to breathe well and when that happens, pimples will likely happen, especially when there are other factors which we will discuss in our blog soon.

Why do I say it is good? For one thing, having dust in your face is better than having nothing, why do I say that? You need to give your skin a chance to fight against the "baddies", so that they will get stronger! The pores will get tougher! I believe all of you played the Pokemon game before. In order for your pokemon to evolve and grow stronger, you will need them to come out and fight! Only by fighting, they will earn experience, and evolve and be stronger.

Okay this example might be abit lame but you get what I mean :P

I am sad to say, there is nothing you can do it stop dust from sticking to your face, unless you want to wear a mask 24/7.

So, as I have mentioned in all my posts, moderation is the key. Your skin DOES needs the exposure, so let them have the exposure, but not with the expense of letting pimples and acne ruin your life.

Stay with me as I will unravel more of my life experiences on tackling acne problems, tips which I have used on myself and proven effective and lastly, enjoy a life without any acne problems!

DISCLAIMER: Acne is something which is very, and I mean VERY unpredictable. But all we can do now, is to really take care of ourselves, equip ourselves with the knowledge and wisdom to correctly take care of our skin, so when the time comes and you really *touch wood* gotten a pimple, you will know how to handle it and furthermore, you will have no regrets because you know it yourself that you have tried your best! And I can assure you with my 101%, if you take care of your skin well, even if you can a zit, it won't be that hard to handle.

TIP: Wash your face with water that are not too cold or hot as it might aggravate your skin.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Acne on the loose!

Having acne which causes what we call ‘pimples’ can be quite a nuisance. You will find yourself unknowingly looking at the mirror or practically anything which can reflect yourself. You become self-conscious on how you look, you become paranoid and start convincing yourself that everyone is looking at your puss-filled pimple and the bottomline is you don’t feel comfortable. You felt irritated, you felt annoyed, you felt frustrated and the list can go on and on.

I think this scenario would have happened to us at some part of our life.
You woke up in the morning, feeling groggy and listless, and dragged your feet to the washroom to freshen yourself up. As you were brushing your teeth, you look yourself in the mirror and to your epic horror; you spotted a big reddish pimple which cleverly positioned itself on your right cheek, right smack in the middle.
There you go, your day is ruined even before you get the chance to step out of the house.

As an old saying goes, Prevention is always better than Cure.
In this site, I will try to make things as simple to understand as possible, no medical jargons that we don’t understand, or too lengthy to be comprehended. Because I am not trying to write a good abstract here, but instead, I want to bring understanding and benefits to everyone.

So, what causes pimples? The very first thing that comes to our minds most of the time is OILY SKIN. Right and wrong. Oily skin is one of the reasons. Even if you are born with oily skin(like yours truly), it can still be prevented, if effort is being put in. No rocket science here.

Pimples are caused by Acne, so what causes Acne?
Basically, there are full of microscopic pores on our faces and some other parts of our body, we won’t be able to see them with our naked eyes. These pores, they are made up of glands and a hair. The sweat glands will produce a kind of waxy substance which helps us to keep our skin and hair moisturized.

Acne can occur in 2 scenarios (Actually there are more than 2 scenarios, but I will share with you more as we go along)
1) The pores got blocked.
2) The glands which produce a waxy substance that helps us to keep our skin and hair moisturized are producing it excessively, which resulted in the forming of acne.

Most of the scenarios are inter-linked to each other, but I will stop here for now as the post is getting lengthy.

At the meantime, get plenty of rest, as it is one of the best ways to calm acne down or even to prevent it!

-Don’t wash your face too many times in a day as it will wash away all the ‘good stuff’ and your pores will get clogged easily because of that. Twice will be good.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Acne problems no more!

Welcome to Acne no more! This site provides tips and remedies for acne care and ways to prevent acne from forming and denying it the chance to make our life miserable and frustrating!

Simple yet useful tips will be given in each posts so do watch out for them!

If you have any queries or questions which are not answered in this site, do feel free to leave a comment.

So join me in this journey on tackling those nasty zits and preventing them from coming near us!